14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (2024)

by Jackie Ritz 13 Comments

14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (1)

Maca is a plant that grows in central Peru in the high plateaus of the Andes mountains. It has been cultivated as a vegetable crop in Peru for at least 3000 years. Maca is a relative of the radish and has an odor similar to butterscotch. Its root is used to make medicine.” (1)The benefits of Maca have long been valued and has gained more and more popularity in recent years. Culture is awakening to the fact that Maca carries a long list of nourishment to the body. The amazing thing about Maca is that it is an adaptogen, meaning it adapts to the needs of your body.

14 Benefits of Maca Powder:

  1. Increases Energy – Maca has a reputation for boosting energy levels without stressing the adrenals (like coffee can)
  2. Increases Libido and Sexual Function – Maca is a known aphrodisiac among native Peruvian culture. It has been known to increase the libido among men and women!
  3. Improves FertilityBlack Maca has been known to increase sperm count and volume in men and Red Maca has been known to balance female hormones and ovulation cycles.
  4. Regulates Hormone Balance – Maca has a vast variety of amino acids, which are known as the building blocks of hormones.
  5. Reduces Depression – When you take Maca regularly, Maca can work to increase positive emotional moods. Maca has a very unique nutrient called macamides, which aid in decreasing depression and anxiety.
  6. Reduces Anxiety – Maca has a positive effect on your individual mood and can help to reduce any self-perceived anxiety.
  7. Helps with Menopause – Many Maca uses report a significant decrease in hot flashes after using Maca powder.
  8. Enhances Mental Clarity – Black Maca has been shown to have a beneficial effect on learning and memory. Maca is safe for both children and adults!
  9. Improves Blood Circulation – a very interesting property of Maca, is that it has been seen to improve blood circulation.
  10. Improves Acne – When acne is related to hormone imbalance, taking Maca can be very productive for improving hormonal acne.
  11. Improves Muscle Gain – More and more athletes and bodybuilders are using Maca powder to increase their athletic performance.
  12. Improves Thyroid Function – Due to the hormone balancing properties in Maca, it has been known to stimulate thyroid function.
  13. Improves Strong Teeth and Bones – Black Maca is great for increasing bone density and strength.
  14. Improves Skin Tone – Maca has a strong nutrient content and hormone balancing effect on our skin.
  15. Improves Hair Growth – Maca has been traditionally used to stimulate hair growth, as well as prevent hair loss.

Which Maca is Right for You?

There are several different types of Maca and choosing which one you should use can sometimes be overwhelming. Raw Maca has never been heated and all the enzymes and nutrients are left in tact at peak levels. This is the one that I prefer to use.

Gelantized Maca is heated to remove all the start content within the root. This makes it more concentrated, however, the high heat destroys some of the enzymes and alters the nutrients. If you have a sensitive stomach, gelantized maca would be the one for you.

Click here to see a great article on choosing which Maca you should take.

Where to Buy Quality Maca Powder:

After figuring out which Maca powder is right for you and your body’s needs, I, personally, use and recommend THIS brand of Maca. I find that The Maca Team carries very high quality Maca powder and they are willing to work with you to figure out which Maca you need. My husband takes the Black Maca and I take the Red Maca. I prefer to take 2 teaspoons daily in my morning smoothie! I don’t mind the taste of Maca, but if you do, The Maca Team sells capsules. Click here to check out The Maca Team products!

[box]The Maca Team is offering my readers a 10% discount using coupon code: PALEOMAMA. CLICK HERE to order quality Maca products![/box]

14 Recipes Using Maca Powder

14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (2)

14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (3)

14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (4)

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14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (15)

14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (16)

Remember to use coupon code: PALEOMAMA to order Maca products today from The Maca Team! Click here to order!

14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (17)

Reader Interactions


  1. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (19)Jennifer says

    I have recently started using maca powder. I just wanted to clarify something in the interest of accuracy though…amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, not hormones, as number 4 states. So if they do “balance hormones” it is by a different mechanism.


  2. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (20)Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome says

    I started eating Maca powder a few months ago after learning it helped with fertility and have been loving it since! I usually just add it to smoothies or my daily cup of joe!


  3. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (21)sarah greene says

    Hello, great article, thanks! I am taking maca root supplements for more than a year now to raise my energies and I’m very happy with the results. At first I used raw maca and it caused me some stomach problems. I consulted about this problem with my nutritionist, and was advised to try gelatinized form of maca that is supposed to be much better for the digestion. It worked great and after a while my stomach issues were solved. Now I’m taking maca as a part of my daily diet and living a super energrtic life thanks to it.


  4. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (23)Jen says

    I was wondering if you can take maca while you are breastfeeding?


  5. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (24)Christina says

    It is advised every where else I have read from maca which can be used to help fertility that it be stopped when pregnant.


  6. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (25)Deb Austin says

    Tried using your code to get 10% off Maca. Says the code has been disabled???


  7. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (26)Catherine Brincat says

    I bought organic maka powder from the company (Naturya). How would I know whether it’s red/white/black maca?

    It does not state anything on the package.




  8. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (27)Frank Siloye says

    I love love Maca Root.
    My first encounter with it fascinated.
    I am a very shy guy and cannot even look up at people when speaking to them.
    After taking maca root, i noticed i became so confident and joyful.
    Everyone was commenting that i had improved.
    Of cos my libido too got boosted.


    • 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (28)S says

      Nobidy says how to take the maca powser? I need help


      • 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (29)Jackie Ritz says

        Each of the 14 recipes in the blog will give directions for using.


  9. 14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (30)Paula says

    I have been using maca powder for 4-5 months, started using after I miscarried in Spring. I started having symptoms of leaky gut that are affecting my bladder to where a doctor said could be IC (an extremely painful condition that requires time to heal), a few months ago. I don’t know if its the maca powder, but warnings say has been reported to cause digestive issues…. So, pay attention to your body and any symtoms that may arise. I also was taking the recomnended amt. of 1-3 tsp daily, TOO much for me, it was causing agitation, depression for a day or two, and sleeplessness. I stopped for a week or two, now I use 1/2-1 tsp every couple days. I am considering stopping completely bc of my GI issues that I’ve NEVER had before, and if I take again, the gelatinized form is probably best. Take care, and remember too much of a good thing is ususlly not best.


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14 Benefits of Maca Powder and 14 Maca Recipes - The Paleo Mama (2024)


What happens if I take maca everyday? ›

Eating maca every day can help to lower blood pressure. Can reduce and fight the symptoms of menopause. Can increase and improve fertility in both men and women. Maca can fight osteoporosis in women.

What does maca do to the female body? ›

What does maca root do to a woman's body? Maca root may help make hormonal balance better in women, which can uplift libido, fertility, and menopausal symptoms. It could also give more common health benefits, for instance supporting heart health and brain function.

How long do you have to take maca to see results? ›

Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon, or 3.1 grams, of maca powder daily for 6 to 12 weeks to see the benefits take effect. Dosages used in studies ranged from 3 to 3.5 grams daily. Possible side effects Maca is considered safe for most people to consume. However, if you have existing thyroid issues, take caution.

Is maca powder Paleo friendly? ›

Maca Root is paleo. Maca Root and other vegetables are staples of a paleo diet.

Does maca have bad side effects? ›

Health authorities rate maca root and maca powder as generally safe, but some users have reported side effects. These include moodiness, cramping, stomach distress, and insomnia.

Can too much maca be harmful? ›

Risks. Maca is not currently associated with any health risks in most people and is unlikely to cause any side effects in moderate doses. However, due to its effect on hormones, people with thyroid problems should avoid taking maca.

Can maca help you lose weight? ›

This natural stimulant may speed up the metabolism, burning more calories and creating weight loss over time. Still, there is little indication that maca, by itself, will establish a high rate of weight loss. Rather, it can help boost energy to better assist with exercise and movement.

Who should not take maca? ›

Special precautions & warnings:

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Extracts from maca might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by estrogen, do not use these extracts.

Does maca increase estrogen in females? ›

Maca can help to balance estrogen and testosterone levels. Maca has been shown to balance estrogen and testosterone levels in both men and women. This is great for people who have low levels of testosterone or have symptoms of menopause such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and changes in mood.

Is maca better morning or night? ›

Generally, the best time for people to take maca root is in the morning, as it is said to increase energy levels as a result of its reported energy-boosting properties. However, another ideal time would be to take maca before a workout.

How many teaspoons of maca powder per day? ›

Maca Serving Guidelines

The optimal amount of Maca for health and healing in most cases is, 1-3 teaspoons of powder per day. This is about 3-9 grams of powder and is sufficient for the majority of people. If you are a larger person or particularly active, you can consume more if you like.

How many times a week should you take maca? ›

The standard dose for maca is 1,500-3,000 mg. Maca can be supplemented by eating maca root or through a maca extract. Extracts should be water or ethyl acetate-based. Maca should be taken daily, alongside food.

Does maca affect bowel movements? ›

The plant contains 9% dietary fiber acting as a natural laxative for people who have constipation or problems with their bowel movement.

Is maca powder good for gut health? ›

Maca is also high in fiber, which is important for overall gut health, healthy digestion, and regularity. 2 Plus, certain types of fiber feed the vital bacteria in our gut microbiome.

Is maca an anti inflammatory? ›

These results show that fermented maca root extracts exhibit higher anti-inflammatory and anti-melanogenesis effects than non-fermented maca root extracts. Thus, maca root extracts fermented using Lactobacillus strains have the potential to be used as an effective cosmeceutical raw material.

How many days a week should I take maca? ›

The standard dose for maca is 1,500-3,000 mg. Maca can be supplemented by eating maca root or through a maca extract. Extracts should be water or ethyl acetate-based. Maca should be taken daily, alongside food.

What happens when you stop taking maca? ›

If you stop taking it you should be able to keep what gains you've achieved as long as you continue your training. So, the long lasting nature of the results you get from taking maca really depend on what you are taking maca for.

Should you take a break from maca? ›

Maintain Balance in Your Use of Maca Products

First, after you've taken it daily for 4-6 weeks, we recommend taking one day off per week. An alternative is to take 5 days off in a row per month. The purpose of these breaks are to give your body a chance to stabilize its hormones without the influence of Maca powder.

Who should avoid taking maca? ›

Special precautions & warnings:

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Extracts from maca might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by estrogen, do not use these extracts.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.