/ic/ - How to regress to a zoomer state of mind? - Artwork/Critique (2024)

Anonymous /ic/ - How to regress to a zoomer state of mind? - Artwork/Critique (1)
How to regress to a zoomer sta(...)
08/05/24(Mon)15:08:25 No.7257070

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How to regress to a zoomer state of mind? Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:08:25 No.7257070 /ic/ - How to regress to a zoomer state of mind? - Artwork/Critique (3)

You might notice that literal 10 year olds mog this board with their deviantart fanart of dreamsmp roblox skibidi toilet whatever-is-currently-popular-for-zoomers on a regular basis. Especially on twitter I get bombarded with surprisingly good art and then find out whoever made it was born after the release of minecraft (or insert any other big event in the last decade, you get what i mean)
I know they are this good because they already have a lot of mileage in despite their age, just because they keep grinding out their cringe fanart endlessly, post it on twitter, get lots of compliments, get motivated and the cycle continues. I want to be like that too. However it feels like I'm too old to be in these spaces.
What makes them so good at it? They probably havent got to learn fundies in school yet at all but even if it's heavily stylized their art is on a pretty good and consistent level.
If I want to do what they do I must regress to a childlike state of mind. How do I remove my inner cringe? I already experienced that sort of online culture when I was a teen but I didn't really participate as an artist until I grew out of it but I kinda know the feeling. I don't want to be a creep and even just looking at these posts I get the internal scream to leave when I see whats going on in the comment sections.


08/05/24(Mon)15:12:46 No.7257075

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:12:46 No.7257075

Their brains have not fully calcified and yours has. You simply can't. It's too late and it's over.

Maybe in the next life.


08/05/24(Mon)15:13:01 No.7257076

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:13:01 No.7257076

it's expected, the new gen is smarter than old one, I don't like using the word talent, but talented artist gets younger and younger as time progress, It's thanks to new information coming out, where old gen had to suffer to get such info. That's how life is and just deal with it.


08/05/24(Mon)15:13:57 No.7257077

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:13:57 No.7257077

>You might notice that literal 10 year olds mog this board with their deviantart fanart of dreamsmp roblox skibidi toilet whatever-is-currently-popular-for-zoomers on a regular basis
this is because you are bad! happy to clear that up.


08/05/24(Mon)15:27:24 No.7257095

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:27:24 No.7257095

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not necessarily talking about learning ability desu, more about the way they think, like they will obsess over the most mild boring thing like roblox games and create millions of tumblr sexyman fanart that belongs in a museum all based on low poly lego characters or faceless youtubers
I guess its a childlike imagination and wonder? That's the sort of thing I miss/want to have again I guess.


08/05/24(Mon)15:34:01 No.7257104

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:34:01 No.7257104

Does a calcified pineal gland really brick peoples brain. What does the pineal gland even do anyway?


08/05/24(Mon)15:35:03 No.7257107

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:35:03 No.7257107

>I guess its a childlike imagination and wonder?

Maybe travel. A change in environment to spark the synapses.


08/05/24(Mon)17:43:25 No.7257220

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)17:43:25 No.7257220

Invest enough money that you can live off your interests and not have to work.
Youth is in lack of responsibility and carelessness for whatever comes next.
A kid living in the streets worrying about what he's gonna eat tomorrow does not have a youthful mind.


08/05/24(Mon)18:37:35 No.7257277

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)18:37:35 No.7257277



08/05/24(Mon)18:39:50 No.7257279

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)18:39:50 No.7257279

easier said than done


08/05/24(Mon)18:48:09 No.7257282

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)18:48:09 No.7257282

Nothing worth doing is easy.


08/05/24(Mon)22:41:55 No.7257507

Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)22:41:55 No.7257507

you need to be naive enough to believe in things. If you're on 4chan and typing in full sentences, chances are you've been on the internet for a while and you've seen it all. Nothing surprises you.
Remember how old people in the past (so they were super old because they were old back in then) lost their minds when the first movies were made? We're the only generation (millenials) to experience pre-internet and post internet at the same time. We're the only generation that spends all day heavily researching topics and debating online with random assholes about sh*t like video games. We watch videos of people getting grinded into paste in china and then some guy beating minecraft in 5 minutes. My point is you're way too weathered and seasoned to draw with the naive optimism of a zoomer. You can never go back after eating from the tree of knowledge. Unless you huff enough paint to become retarded, but that's not foolproof.


08/06/24(Tue)05:53:53 No.7257851

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)05:53:53 No.7257851

>born after 2012
They're not zoomer then


08/06/24(Tue)06:59:43 No.7257891

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)06:59:43 No.7257891

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i recommend listening to music to get yourself in the mood. and getting really autistically into a thing you like, like a video game or something. most of what they're excuited about isn't the thing itself, it's them putting their stamp on it

look at pic, it has very little to do with the source material(steven universe), but the person who drew it used the cartoon as a jumping off point to do research and have fun

no it's just an excuse to be a doomer


08/06/24(Tue)07:24:47 No.7257911

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)07:24:47 No.7257911

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if you're a zoomer it's already too late for you


08/06/24(Tue)07:43:25 No.7257925

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)07:43:25 No.7257925

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>>born after 2012


08/06/24(Tue)08:16:41 No.7257945

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)08:16:41 No.7257945

talk about main character syndrome lmao


Mr Kruger
08/06/24(Tue)08:20:09 No.7257947

Mr Kruger 08/06/24(Tue)08:20:09 No.7257947

Being better than everyone else, I've never experienced these feelings.


08/06/24(Tue)09:45:19 No.7258005

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)09:45:19 No.7258005

Yeah I know if they were born right after the release of minecraft that would make them part of the last cohort of zoomers but most zoomers nowadays are quite a bit older than what OP is talking about
>literal 10 year olds
That's generation alpha right here, not Z


08/06/24(Tue)09:51:52 No.7258007

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)09:51:52 No.7258007

>Invest enough money that you can live off your interests and not have to work.
Wow, why didn't I think about this before! This is an incredible rev-
Kill youself, nepo baby.


08/06/24(Tue)09:57:01 No.7258012

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)09:57:01 No.7258012

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It's very common to lie about your age online. You can't verify it. Asians do it a lot.


08/06/24(Tue)10:16:08 No.7258026

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)10:16:08 No.7258026

Honestly thanks for saying this, I just realized I don't really matter to anyone UNTIL I make it. So all my failures will fall on blind eyes and I can keep on trying without being embarrassed.


08/06/24(Tue)14:32:20 No.7258266

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)14:32:20 No.7258266

I like to tell people I'm either old as sh*t or underage
Saying your real age on the internet is retarded at best


08/06/24(Tue)14:41:57 No.7258270

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)14:41:57 No.7258270

>How do I stop worrying about sh*t!?
Stop worrying about sh*t lmao its that simple
If youre an anxious bitch you should lift weights, get your money right and get 9 hours of sleep every day


08/06/24(Tue)14:45:27 No.7258275

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)14:45:27 No.7258275

Yeah this helps me stay sane. I actually get more upset when someone older than me gets good but they have been doing the thing for a shorter time than me


08/06/24(Tue)14:52:06 No.7258280

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)14:52:06 No.7258280

The most narcissistic generation. Yes, even you get old. Deal with it


08/06/24(Tue)14:54:20 No.7258282

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)14:54:20 No.7258282

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I'm over 30 and have seen a lot of crap to the point that a lot of things don't surprise me.
That actually keeps me sane though. I don't get swept up in doomsday apocalyptic predictions, I can just sh*t on anyone who says things are terrible now. I can easily rip holes in utopian bullsh*t.

The world is my oyster, I greatly enjoy what I do. I seize agency. The kind of person you talk about is often doing so in their art, as all art is risk. Even if the rest of their life is f*cked up, they are still applying it in an area you see, the only one you see.

There are zoomers who have built entire self-hosted personal websites. Some have made entire videogames. Some write books. Some are doing actually-important scientific research. My gut tells me that zoomers were raised with so little agency in their personal lives (due to mostly GenX parentage using them to live vicariously) that they ran away to their own special hobbies, and do them to the extremes. Unfortunately that often is useless sh*t like bitching on twitter about kpop, but some do take to actually building skills.


08/06/24(Tue)17:37:45 No.7258430

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)17:37:45 No.7258430

Mika kit is a 13 year old russian artist and she mogs me. Look how clean lines are and how fluffy she looks


08/06/24(Tue)17:38:53 No.7258431

Anonymous 08/06/24(Tue)17:38:53 No.7258431

quit or just get over it


08/07/24(Wed)05:28:26 No.7258941

Anonymous 08/07/24(Wed)05:28:26 No.7258941

what the f*ck is this, a centralized home for bots??


08/07/24(Wed)10:44:28 No.7259085

Anonymous 08/07/24(Wed)10:44:28 No.7259085

I just worked five years as a fisherman and could afford to buy and rent out a warehouse.


08/07/24(Wed)11:28:59 No.7259109

Anonymous 08/07/24(Wed)11:28:59 No.7259109

>You might notice that literal 10 year olds mog this board with their deviantart fanart
is this peak doomerism? get a f*cking grip


08/07/24(Wed)17:06:53 No.7259357

Anonymous 08/07/24(Wed)17:06:53 No.7259357

glad you managed that at least. i cant get a job for sh*t where i live


08/07/24(Wed)17:15:01 No.7259365

Anonymous 08/07/24(Wed)17:15:01 No.7259365

just work a difficult job away from normal society for 5 years straight


08/08/24(Thu)00:36:32 No.7259675

Anonymous 08/08/24(Thu)00:36:32 No.7259675

>work a hard job for 5 years and retire at 30
>work a soul crushing job until you die


08/08/24(Thu)08:22:38 No.7259944

Anonymous 08/08/24(Thu)08:22:38 No.7259944

not everyone's resililent enough to work a sh*t job and have no friends for 5 years before they snap and start getting suicidal.

it's not about stronger or weaker, just that every brain is different


08/08/24(Thu)15:19:39 No.7260256

Anonymous 08/08/24(Thu)15:19:39 No.7260256

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>find good artist I want to use as inspiration
>profile says they're 17 years old
They're just f*cking with me, r-right? This isn't real, right?


08/09/24(Fri)06:39:15 No.7260939

Anonymous 08/09/24(Fri)06:39:15 No.7260939

i feel like this about writers who just bang that sh*t out like it's going out of style


08/09/24(Fri)06:45:25 No.7260941

Anonymous 08/09/24(Fri)06:45:25 No.7260941

notice how the boomers who go on about how it's never too late to start never have any high quality artwork.


08/09/24(Fri)06:46:26 No.7260942

Anonymous 08/09/24(Fri)06:46:26 No.7260942

>Maybe travel
but I'm not a young liberal white woman with rich parents


08/09/24(Fri)06:48:18 No.7260943

Anonymous 08/09/24(Fri)06:48:18 No.7260943

in order to make 60k a year on 7% apr you need to have 857,142 invested.


08/10/24(Sat)10:10:02 No.7261842

Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)10:10:02 No.7261842

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>i recommend listening to music to get yourself in the mood. and getting really autistically into a thing you like, like a video game or something. most of what they're excuited about isn't the thing itself, it's them putting their stamp on it
Can vouch for this. Chiseling out niches is fun.


08/10/24(Sat)14:50:13 No.7262013

Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)14:50:13 No.7262013

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>just because they keep grinding out their cringe fanart endlessly, post it on twitter, get lots of compliments, get motivated and the cycle continues. I want to be like that too. However it feels like I'm too old to be in these spaces.
nothing really prevents you from doing it now, you are just creating imaginary walls in your head. No one will care, just like no one cared if you was someone in your 30s playing TF2 with teenagers and people in their 20s in 2010s.
That they grind is one thing, another thing is that they have been learning good practices by millennials who filter out all the bad stuff for them. all that cringe art drawn by 90s and 80s millennials is due to the internet basically being the wild west in the early 2000s. bad advises were all over the place and no one really knew who to trust. how many of us started out with the sh*t on the left in pic related? when it didn't worked out we just thought we just needed to grind more if it or just threw in the towel. When the problem was that we were learning the wrong stuff. know days the learning process for art have been more refined, big sticky here on IC and industry big names like David Finch teaching people, so zoomers don't need to waste time trying everything out seeing what works and be demoralize by lack of success.

even if you don't agree with the list of books in pic related they are pointing you more in the right direction than any "how to draw X" book.


08/10/24(Sat)15:47:08 No.7262045

Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)15:47:08 No.7262045

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Your problem is needlessly worrying about sh*t that don't matter. Work on bettering yourself and stay in your lane. There will ALWAYS be someone younger and more successful than you at everything, so that is not an excuse to stop trying.
/ic/ - How to regress to a zoomer state of mind? - Artwork/Critique (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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