Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (2024)

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Make my recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade this summer with just three ingredients and quench your thirst while the heat is on.

Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (1)

My very first job was making old fashioned lemonade by the glass for carnival goers at a town summer celebration. I was 14 and my best friend – who was 15 – talked me into doing it with her. I worked a full eight hours squeezing one single lemon into a glass, scooping some sugar in and shaking it up before handing it to thirsty patrons.

The sun was shining down, my fingers were sticky, the bees were aggressive and I had sweat dripping everywhere. I can’t say it was my most positive job experience. However, at the end of the day I had a pocket full of cash and nothing to spend it on but myself.

Today a carnival lemon shake up might be some people’s idea of a perfect glass of lemonade, but mine has changed a little bit. It’s a little easier to make in bulk and I get to make it inside with the air conditioner running and a beautiful glass window separating me and the bees. But, my recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade still tastes the best when enjoyed in the sunshine. Or maybe more specifically, the indirect sunshine of my front porch while I sit on the porch swing.

Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (2)

Making my recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade

My recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade isn’t difficult. In fact, it only uses three ingredients. You need lemon juice, water and simple syrup. I prefer to make my own simple syrup, but it is certainly something you can buy {HERE} if you prefer not to.

In order to make the simple syrup, I combine 3 cups of sugar with 2 cups of water in a sauce pan and simmer it. I simmer it for about 10 minutes and stir the sugar until it completely dissolves when I combine them. once done, I turn off the heat and let it cool a bit in the pan. Then I add it directly to a 16 oz. mason jar with a reusable lid and pop it in the refrigerator. You want this cold before you use it so I usually make this a day or two in advance. The best thing about this simple syrup is that it can be used for any drink you’d like to make, including co*cktails.

Note: You have the option of adding the zest of three lemons to the sugar mixture as it simmers, but my kids prefer it without because they’re the pickiest children in the world.

Besides the simple syrup, you need about 10 lemons, or enough to make 1 cup of lemon juice. Then the last ingredient is water. I like to mix in room temperature water and then combine everything and let it all chill again in the refrigerator.

Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (3)

Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (4)

Tips for making my recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade

  • To make the Old Fashioned Lemonade you need a cup of lemon juice. For me this required about 10 lemons, but note that the amount of juice you get from each lemon will depend on their ripeness. You might want to buy 15 lemons just to be sure.
  • As I mentioned above, you can make the simple sugar ahead of time and store it. After I make it I will keep it up to two weeks as long as it’s in an airtight jar in the refrigerator.
  • This recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade will give you enough to make a pitcher, so around a gallon or so. You can store it in the refrigerator as long as it’s covered for about 48 hours. Just try to keep it longer than that. 🙂
  • If you add the lemon zest to the simple syrup, make sure to only get the yellow outside of the lemon and avoid the pith.

Thank you so much for visiting today, friends! You can find the full printable recipe for my recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade below. If you want more lemonade ideas try my Watermelon Lemonade recipe {HERE} and my Honey Ginger Lemonade recipe {HERE}.

Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (5)

This recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade is a must-make summer recipe that will quench your thirst and cool you down. Save it today!

Print Rate

Course: Drinks

Cuisine: American

Keyword: old fashioned lemonade, recipe for old fashioned lemonade

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 8 glasses

Author: Rachel


Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade Ingredients

  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice About 10 lemons
  • 6 cups room temperature water
  • 2 cups simple syrup
  • A few slices of lemon for the pitcher

Simple Syrup Ingredients

  • 3 cups sugar
  • 2 cups water


Simple syrup instructions

  • Combine the sugar and water over a low flame. Whisk to combine well.

  • Let the mix simmer for about 10 minutes. Do not let it boil.

  • Turn off heat and let it cool. Then add it to an airtight container and refrigerate.

Instructions for Old Fashioned Lemonade

  • Combine the lemon juice, simple syrup and water in a pitcher.

  • Mix well to combine. Add in the slices of lemon.

  • Chill in the refrigerator until needed.

  • Serve by the glass over ice.

Recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.