Sun Drawing for Kids | How to Draw Sun for Kids Free PDF (2024)

During the summer season, we blame the sun for shining so bright and hot, but we wish we had at least a ray of sunshine during the winters. Such is the power of the sun, and there is no better way than through sun drawing for kids that we can capture its magnificence. If your children are new to drawing, it is important to give them simple objects to draw; otherwise, their interest in the drawing will soon fade off. Through this sun drawing for kids easy tutorial, we can help them take their tiny steps into the world of drawing.

Children can draw the sun in many ways, and if you are in search of ideas for drawing the sun, you have reached the apt place. BYJU’S guide on sun drawing for kids will show you some creative ways to draw the sun, which you can present to your children. Drawing a sun can be completed in a few simple steps, and it will be a fun experience for kids. So, here is an easy way to draw the sun that you can teach them.

Table of Contents

  • How to Draw Sun for Kids
  • Drawing Sun for Kids
  • Colouring Sun for Kids
  • Types of Sun Drawing for Kids

How to Draw Sun for Kids

Drawing a big circle with alternating short and long lines on it is the easiest way to draw the sun for those who are getting started with drawing. Once kids learn to draw this basic structure through pattern worksheets, we can ask them to replace the spokes of the sun with long and short triangles. While this is one way, there are other techniques of sun drawing for kids. We have also seen drawings where we depict the sun as wearing cool sunglasses with a wide smile. Hence, we will be exploring sun drawing for kids easy tutorials that attract young children. Through this guide, they can build their creativity and go on to draw a beautiful sunrise/sunset on the beach or a cute sun hiding behind the clouds.

Drawing Sun for Kids

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Colouring Sun for Kids

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Types of Sun Drawing for Kids

As there is no correct form of the sun drawing for kids, it is best to leave it to the imagination of our children. We will be able to find innovative designs and patterns of the sun as they attempt to draw it in their way. Even though we must encourage children to draw the sun, they will initially need a guide to practise. With the help of this sun drawing for kids easy step by step guide, we can inspire them to draw and learn. If you are wondering how to add a little sunshine to your kids’ drawing, here are some simple drawing techniques.

  • Use a circular object like the lid of a container to draw a circle and add small and big triangles for sun rays. By colouring it in shades of yellow and orange, kids can make the drawing as bright as the real sun.
  • To make the sun look cuter, children can add a happy emoji face to the above image by adding two dotted eyes and a wide smile. Further, they can draw clouds and colour the sky blue to make it more appealing.
  • As another form of sun drawing for kids, we can ask them to create beautiful scenery with a house, mountains and trees with the sun overlooking them.
  • Children can also draw a mesmerising sunset on the beach with bright red and orange colours. If they have witnessed a sunset, it will be a different experience for them to draw it on a sheet of paper.

So, children will appreciate this sun drawing for kids easy tutorial as it will prepare them to draw the sun in many ways. Through simple illustrations and easy instructions, they will have fun drawing the sun. We can stir the interests of our children and bring out the budding artists in them with the help of these easy sun drawing ideas. For more drawing ideas, interesting stories and captivating poems, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is sun drawing for kids?

BYJU’S guide on sun drawing for kids gives many ideas for children to draw the sun. They can either refer to the worksheets and illustrations or draw the sun from their imagination with the help of this simple guide.


How can children draw the summer sun?

Children can draw a circle and add the sun rays just like how they draw a normal sun. Then, they can add a smiley face to it with a cooling glass, and the summer sun is ready after colouring it.


What is the importance of the sun?

The sun is the ultimate source of energy on Earth. As we get light and heat from the sun, it sustains life on the planet, and hence, we cannot imagine living without it.

Sun Drawing for Kids | How to Draw Sun for Kids Free PDF (2024)
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